In the name of God the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the noblest of God's creation and Rcolnawhabibna Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah may Allah bless him and his family and him) and we draw on God, but after....


We extend our heartfelt thanks to those who look at our site and hope Mawla able to benefit from informed about recent research conferences and published scientific papers in several journals, which contain many of the values of Ethics, which have a direct relationship challenges and international changes, especially with regard to globalization and total quality management (TQM) and sustainable development and regulations of the World Trade Organization International and Human Rights and many others, but we mind to highlight logical thinking based on the foundations of an Islamic compatibility positives regulations and international variables, so as not to fall into the trap of isolationism on the globalized village, and every society and every individual person jealous of his country and belongs to race, religion or language of Islamic civilization to think In laying the foundations for which we educate ourselves and arms resolutely religion, race and language to deal and to address the disadvantages of regulations and international changes and challenges without falling into the trap of isolationism as I mentioned earlier. And God reconciles everyone.


Benefit arising from the sites where employees of the university sites are employees of the University of King Abdul Aziz of the remarkable achievements that support the advancement of the wheel system of education and learning community next to the educationally, socially and humanly and Thagaviaoihtoi site information for the students, family and community from several directions for sustainable development Bmmketna beloved.
(God save it from any harm)


Been the addition of four files containing the means of continuous improvement of the educational process under the theme "education and learning" set out in the beginning of the list on the right of the home page.

God bless u...

Join add the message on 22 Ramadan 1430 H


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Prof. Hassan A. H. Albar
King Abdulaziz University,
Chem. Dept., Science college,
POBOX 80203, Jeddah21589,
Saudi Arabia.